Son of Lehi¹, prophet and founder of Nephites
Prophets Urging Jerusalem’s Repentance
Hebrew prophet who led his followers to promised land.
Second son of Lehi¹
Eldest son of Lehi¹
Wife of Lehi
Third son of Lehi¹
Custodian of brass plates
Servant of Laban
An Ephraimite from Jerusalem
Wives to Lehi’s sons and Zoram
Mother of Ishmaelites
Lehite travelers, sympathizers with Laman and Lemuel
Daughter of Ishmael
Witnesses of Jesus Christ
Descendant of Laman¹, later any person who rejects the gospel
Descendants of Nephi¹ and his followers, later any person who accepts gospel
Son of Lehi¹
Brother of Nephi, prophet and historian
Progeny of Prophet Lehi
Prophet of Israel
Prophet of Israel
Observers of Divine Suffering
Early Lehites, wives to Ishmael's sons
Descendants of Joseph²
Descendants of Lemuel
Descendants of Zoram¹
Descendants of Jacob¹
Progeny of Ishmael
Second king of the land of Nephi
Nephite prophet, record keeper
Opposed by Resisting Society
Nephite prophet
Nephite record keeper
Son of Omni, Nephite record keeper
Nephite record keeper, son of Omni
Nephite historian, son of Chemish
Nephite record keeper
Nephite prophet, king in Zarahemla, father of Benjamin
Also known as the People of Zarahemla
Leader of Mulek's colony
Jaredite king, last Jaredite survivor
Nephite prophet-king
Leader of the failed expedition to return to the land of Nephi
Protectors Against False Teachings
Nephite king, son of Benjamin
Son of king Benjamin
Son of king Benjamin
Multitude Listening to King Benjamin
Leader of expedition to land of Nephi
One of Ammon's Brethren
One of Ammon's Brethren
One of Ammon's Brethren
King of Nephites in land of Nephi
First king of group of Nephites who return to land of Lehi-Nephi
Son of Zeniff, king over Nephites in land of Nephi
Nephite Group Under King Limhi
Lamanite king
Explorers tasked with finding Zarahemla
Colonist who accompanied Zeniff to the Land of Nephi, possibly Abinadi
Son of Laman²
Wicked priests appointed by Noah³
Nephite prophet
Nephite prophet, founder of the church
People Converted by Alma₁
Convert from among people of Noah³
Nephite patriot
Wives of Amulonites
Attacker of Limhi's People
Leader of priests of Noah³, tributary monarch under Laman³
Son of Jewish king Zedekiah
Descendants and followers of Amulon and priests of Noah³
Son of Mosiah², missionary to Lamanites
Son of Mosiah²
Son of Alma¹, first chief judge, high priest
Son of Mosiah²
Son of Mosiah²
Nephite missionaries
People of Mosiah’s Reign
Nephite apostate
Nephite dissenter
Nephite faction desiring king
Spy for Nephites
Nephite military officer
Nephite soldier
Nephite soldier
Second chief judge of Nephites
People Receiving Alma’s Teachings
First possessor of the region of Ammonihah
Missionary companion of Alma²
Descendant of Nephi¹, ancestor of Amulek
Grandfather of Amulek
Amulek's father
Lawyer in Ammonihah, Convert, Missionary
A chief ruler in Ammonihah
Punisher of Alma and Amulek
Wicked combination of those who follow Nehor
Victims imprisoned in Ammonihah
Nephite military officer
Son of Zoram², possibly same as Lehi³
Nephite chief captain
Hard-hearted citizens of Ammonihah
Lamanite king converted by Ammon²
Hostile Lamanites brought to justice by Ammon²
Servants Navigating Palace Intrigue
Specific Servant of King Lamoni
Lamoni's Wife
Lamanites in King Lamoni’s Domain
Lamanite Visionary
Lamanite woman, servant of Lamoni
Servant in Lamoni's household
Missionary companion of Aaron²
Missionary companion of Aaron²
Lamanite king
Lamoni's Father
Group of Nephite apostates
Resident of Jerusalem², Contender with Aaron²
Peaceful Lamanite Converts
Servants in King Lamoni’s Father’s Household
Lamoni's Mother
Convert among the Lamanites
Brother of Lamoni, king over converted Lamanites
Naysayers in Zarahemla
Nephite Protectors of Ammonite Converts
An antichrist
Chief Judge who assisted Giddonah² in dealing with Korihor
High priest in Gideon
Apostate sect of Nephites, followers of Zoram³
Nephite apostate
Son of Alma
Son of Alma², prophet, military commander
Son of Alma²
Name of Seer and/or his Stone
Harlot in land of Siron
Lamanite commander
Righteous Nephite military commander
Nephite military commander
Defender of Moroni, scalper of Zerahemnah
Nephite traitor
Covenant-making Nephites
Followers of Amalickiah
Pacifist Lamanite officer
Blamed by Amalickiah for murdering Lamanite King
Partner of Amalickiah
Servants of Lamanite Leader
Nephite soldier
Wife of Amalickiah
Followers of Morianton²
Founder of Nephite city
Servant in the house of Morianton
Nephite military leader
Third Nephite chief judge
Political faction in Zarahemla
Nephite group vowing to defend freedom
Nephite traitor, brother of Amalickiah, descendant of Zoram¹
Leader of a Lamanite occupation force
Children of converted Lamanites known as Ammonites
Inebriated Guards of Gid
Nephite commander
Nephite troops allied with the Army of Helaman
Inhabitants of Nephite City Antiparah
Nephite military officer
Covert Observers from Nephite Armies
Nephite military officer
Residents of city or land of Nephihah
Leader of Zarahemla Coup, King of Zarahemla
Killer of Teancum
Righteous Nephite general, son of Moroni¹
Nephite shipbuilder
Son of Helaman², record keeper, chief judge
Residents of Nephite Land Moronihah
Son of Pahoran¹, fourth Nephite chief judge
Son of Pahoran¹
Son of Pahoran¹
Leader of robbers
Apostate Nephite, commander of Lamanite forces
Lamanite king
Leader of robber bands
Secret society
Undercover agent loyal to Helaman
Son of Helaman³, missionary
Son of Helaman³, Nephite missionary
Wicked chief judge of Nephites
Nephite dissenter living among Lamanites
Three hundred guards and spiritual witnesses at the Lamanite prison
Short-lived Nephite Judge
Corrupt Judiciary Associated with Gadianton Band
Curious Onlookers
Member of Gadianton band, elected chief judge
Nephite Messengers, indicted for killing Cezoram
Nephite belonging to Gadianton band
Witnesses to Judicial Events
Attendees of Seezoram’s Burial
Attendees at Nephi₂’s Trial
Sufferers Pleading Due to Famine
Lamanite prophet
Rejectors of Samuel the Lamanite’s Message
Doubters of Prophetic Messages
Nephite chief judge
Son of Nephi², one of the twelve Nephite disciples
Chief of Gadianton robbers
Nephite commander, prophet
Speakers to Nephite Military Leader
Captain of Gadianton robbers
Followers and Militants of Gadianton Leader
Conquerors of Gadianton Leader
Nephite prophet, general, record keeper, abridger
Son of Lachoneus¹
Jacobite Secret Combination Members
Late Gadianton leader
Nephite Disciples
Non-Israel and non-Nephite disciples of Christ
One of the twelve Nephite disciples
One of twelve Nephite disciples
One of twelve Nephite disciples
One of twelve Nephite disciples
One of twelve Nephite disciples
One of twelve Nephite disciples
Son of Nephi³, one of twelve disciples
One of twelve disciples
One of twelve Nephite disciples
Brother of Nephi, Disciple of Jesus
One of twelve Nephite disciples
Immortal Disciples of Christ
Son of Nephi³
Nephite record keeper
Nephite record keeper
Nephite record keeper
Mormon²'s Father
King of Lamanites
Lamanite King During the Battle of Cumorah
Son of Mormon², last of Nephites
Nephite survivors
Nephite commander
Nephite commander
Nephite commander
Nephite commander
Nephite commander
Nephite commander
Nephite commander
Nephite commander
Nephite commander
Nephite commander
Nephite commander
Last Jaredite prophet, record keeper
A late Jaredite
Late Jaredite king
Later Jaredite king
Jaredite king, son of Seth².
Late Jaredite king
Late Jaredite king
Middle Jaredite
Jaredite king
Jaredite king
Middle Jaredite
Early Jaredite king
Middle Jaredite king
Jaredite King
Middle Jaredite king
Middle Jaredite king
Jaredite king
Jaredite ruler
Jaredite king
Jaredite king
Middle Jaredite King
Early Jaredite
Early Jaredite king
Early Jaredite king
Early Jaredite king
Early Jaredite king
Early Jaredite king
Early Jaredite king
Founder of Jaredites
First Jaredite king
Descendants of Jared, his brother, and his friends
First Jaredite prophet
Son of Jared, refused to be king
Son of Jared, refused to be king
Early Jaredite
Son of the brother of Jared²
Early Jaredite rebel
Early Jaredite king, son of Corihor²
Brother of Noah²
Early Jaredite king
Jaredite, son of Cohor¹
Early Jaredite king
Early Jaredite
Early Jaredite
Wife of Akish
Early Jaredite
Jaredite king, son of Kimnor
Jaredite Society Under Akish
Victim of Akish's Jealousy
Jaredite, son of Akish
Jaredite militants
Killer of Shez
Son of Shez¹
Jaredite king
Warned of Impending Destruction
Killer of Prophets
Killed by Shiblom's Brother
Instigators of Moral Awakening
Jaredite rebel, overthrower of Moron
Jaredite rebel, successor of Mighty Man ¹
Advocates for Societal Repentance
Defenders of Coriantumr's Kingdom
Unrepentant Jaredite Children
Late Jaredite
Late Jaredite
Jaredite warrior, fought against Coriantumr
Jaredite military commander
Jaredite Murderer of Gilead
Murdering Jaredite Priestly Ruler
Late Jaredite king
Jaredite military leader
Nephite officer
Nephite soldier
Nephite military officer
A Nephite
Nephite commander
Surviviors of Lamanite Holocaust
Descendents of Judah, representatives of Israel
Son of Jacob, Father of Jews
Last king of Judah
Conquerors of Jerusalem, Exilers of Jews
Hebrew liberator and law-giver
Ruler of ancient Egypt
First human created from the earth
Mother of all living
Hebrew prophet, contemporary of Lehi¹
Son of Jacob¹
Son of Isaac, Father of Israel
Son of Abraham
People of Non-Israelite Origin
Name of Jacob¹ and, by extension, of all his descendants
The chosen of Jesus
Devout Followers of Christ
Forerunner of Jesus
Also known as the Revelator
Hebrew prophet
A Hebrew prophet quoted by Nephi¹
Hebrew prophet
Misleading Pastors of Israel
Israelites carried away captive in Assyria
Anonymous Prophet Quoted by Nephi
Son of David, temple builder
Priestly Governance in Nephite Society
Wife of Abraham
Father of faithful
Father of Isaiah¹
Traditional enemies of the Israelites
King of Judah
Heavenly Beings in Isaiah’s Vision
King of Syria
Sire of King Pekah
King of Ephraim
King of Judah
King of Judah
Unidentified Informant to the House of David
Son of Joseph
Son of Isaiah
Candidate for puppet king of Judah
Son of Isaiah¹
Father of Zechariah
Hebrew prophet
Priest of ancient Israel
Wife of Isaiah¹
Imperial conquerers of the Northern Kingdom
King of Judah
King of Israel
People of Semitic origin living in the ancient realm of Syria
Son of Joseph¹, father of a tribe of Israel
Disobedient Israelites, Assyrian Targets
Assyrian Monarch
Ancient neareastern people
First king of Israel
Father of David
Opponents of Ephraim and Judah
Babylonian Monarch
People from the country of Medea
Corrupt Teacher
Deceivers Corrupting Righteous Teachings
Steward and Guardian of the Vineyard
Assistant in the Vineyard
Mother of Jesus
Patriarch at time of flood
Guardians of Eden’s Tree of Life
King of Salem
King of Salem
Israelite Prophet and Warrior
Son of Adam
Son of Adam
A prophet
Israelite Prophet
Jewish prophet
Son of Jacob¹
Levitical Priesthood Descendants
Prophet of Israel
Anonymous Prophet Quoted by Moroni
Namesake of the valley of Nimrod
Gentile explorer
Non-Israelite Explorers of the Promised Land
Latter-day Seer
Latter-day Seer’s Father
Scholar Challenged to Read Sealed Record
Bearer of Sealed Prophecies
Testators of the Latter-day work
Heavenly Hosts
Heavenly Admonisher of Laman and Lemuel
Divine Messenger in Lehi’s Dream
Divine Instructor to Nephi
Divine Messengers to Nephi
Celestial Messenger to Jacob
Celestial Messengers to Jacob
Heavenly Messenger to Benjamin
Divine Messenger to Alma
Divine Messenger to Amulek
Heavenly Rescuers
Heavenly Herald to Samuel
Heavenly Counsel to Nephi
Angelic Messengers to Disciples
Holy One of Israel
Holy Ghost, Spirit of God
Malevolent Spirits
The Devil
A reference to diety, be it Yahweh (יהוה); Jesus, or God the Father.
The entirety of the human race