“Only Unto Him That Has Faith Unto Repentance”

Brant Gardner

Rhetorical: Amulek continues his imagery of the Atoning Messiah as king. As the king and author of the sacrifice, he is the “owner” of it and its benefits. The infinite nature satifies the infinite (mercy and justice as abstractions) but it is still restricted to those who are of the people of the king. Thus can Amulek make his audience understand that while the atonement will be infinite, it is not infinitely applied. They would immediately understand this argument, and find it quite reasonable. They would also see in this the need for them to alter their lives to become the people of this “king,” which they would do by adopting his “name.” Of course that would be more than a simple belief. They would be required to alter allegiances from other kings to this new one.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
