“God Shall Show Unto You, That That Which I Have Written is True”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

Moroni's exhortation to remember the things of which he wrote was a gentle reproof, yet a serious one, to those unto whom his words should come, for their unbelief. He urges them to keep in mind his testimony of Christ which will surely stand against them at the last day unless they receive it, and abide it. The time is fast approaching; "It speedily cometh," he says, "that ye shall know that I lie not." And as a witness at the Judgment Bar of God when the Remnant of the Lamanites shall stand before Him to be judged, with nothing under which to hide, they will be forced to admit that the saving grace of Christ was declared unto them by "this man, like as one crying from the dead, even as one speaking out of the dust." Moroni, by the spirit of prophecy, saw the coming forth of his words in the manner that history records of these last days. Out of the Hill Cumorah through the instrumentality of Joseph, the Seer, then to the Remnant of Moroni's brethren, came his words, thus fulfilling Moroni's prophecy herein recorded.

Moroni's words which he wrote were in fulfillment of the promise made by the Lord, which was recorded by many of the Nephite prophets, that Christ would be preached and His Gospel declared to the Lamanites of the latter days. "For they shall proceed forth out of the mouth of the everlasting God." We can understand more fully Moroni's statement when we remember the Lord's Own words concerning the words of His servants, "For I am He Who speaketh." (Moroni 7:36) the testimony of Christ which Moroni herein bears, which is the spirit of prophecy, "shall hiss forth from generation to generation." (Isaiah uses the word, hiss, in Chapter 5, verse 26 of the Book under his name)

Moroni again appeals to those unto whom his words shall come, that "Ye would come unto Christ, and lay hold upon every good gift, and touch not the evil gift, nor the unclean thing." (See, Ether 4:11-12; unclean-see concordance of the word listed below)

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 7
