“Be Faithful in Christ”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

Despite the terrible scenes of wickedness and warfare he had observed and described to Moroni, Mormon ends his epistle with hope and encouragement that is centered in Christ. He prays for the protection of his beloved son and gives a final exhortation to Moroni not to despair because of the terrible things happening around them, but to be of good cheer in Christ.

Be faithful in Christ“” was this loving father’s closing counsel and blessing to his son. We do not know whether Moroni received later letters or had any further contact with his father after this, but at least according to the Book of Mormon account this is the last that Moroni (and we) read of the great Nephite prophet-abridger, Mormon. “”May Christ lift thee up.... And may the grace of God the Father … abide with you forever.“” What greater hope for and blessing of a son or daughter could a father leave than this final testimony and blessing of Mormon’s?“”

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
