“Precious Above All Things . . . Virtue”

K. Douglas Bassett

Prov. 31:10; refer in this text to Alma 39:4-6

“If we look at love between two who are preparing for temple marriage, we see the elements of sacrifice and of serving each other’s best interests, not a shortsighted ‘me’ interest. True love and happiness in courtship and marriage are based upon honesty, self-respect, sacrifice, consideration, courtesy, kindness, and placing ‘we’ ahead of ‘me.’ Those who would have us forfeit virtue and chastity to prove our love in sexual participation out of wedlock are neither friends nor eternally family-oriented. To classify them as selfish and unwise is not too severe. Those who serve the flesh will never know the love and fruits of purity.” (Marvin J. Ashton, Conference Report, Apr. 1981, p. 30)
“Virtue has many definitions, such as moral excellence, right action and thinking, goodness of character, or chastity… . The First Presidency has said: ‘How glorious and near to the angels is youth that is clean; this youth has joy unspeakable here and eternal happiness hereafter. Sexual purity is youth’s most precious possession; it is the foundation of all righteousness’ (Improvement Era, May 1942, p. 273). This implies that the virtue of [our youth] … should be equal to the angels (see Collected Discourses of George Q. Cannon, Oct. 5, 1890).” (James E. Faust, Ensign, May 1998, p. 95)

Latter-Day Commentary on the Book of Mormon
