Moroni 9:2 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
and Archeantus has fallen by the sword and also [Laram > Luram 1|Luram ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] and [Emer >+ Emron 1|Emron ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST]

In this verse, two of the three names were at first written incorrectly in 𝓟. Initially, Oliver Cowdery’s u in Luram was sloped so that it could have been interpreted as an a, so Oliver overwrote the u to make sure it was open enough to be interpreted as a u. In the case of Emron , Oliver initially wrote Emer, a name that appeared a number of times in the preceding book of Ether (twice in Ether 1 and seven times in Ether 9). Here in Moroni 9:2, with heavier ink flow and using a broader quill, Oliver later crossed out Emer and supralinearly inserted the correct Emron. This correction probably occurred when Oliver proofed 𝓟 against 𝓞. Neither of these two names, Luram and Emron, appear elsewhere in the text, so in each case we follow the corrected reading here in 𝓟.

Summary: Accept in Moroni 9:2 the names Luram and Emron, the corrected readings in 𝓟.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 6
