“Gone to an Endless Hell”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

In these verses Mormon clearly demonstrates his displeasure with and anger towards the doctrine (and those who espouse it) that God will doom some little children to endless hell for something that is no fault of their own. It should not be thought, however, that Mormon is saying that anyone who even thinks that little children may need baptism are condemned to hell. There are many good and honorable people in the world who, through ignorance and the foolish traditions of their fathers (see D&C 93:39) believe in the false notion of infant baptism. These devout men and women who are not yet fully informed doctrinally and not yet fully mature spiritually are not condemned merely by their ignorance. It appears that what Mormon is condemning and characterizing as “damning belief” is the rejection of the merciful workings of the Atonement after one understands the role of accountability, the effects of the fall Adam, and the necessity of the Savior’s redemption. When one understands these doctrines and knows the nature of God, yet continues to hold to a view of God as capricious and arbitrary and continues to deny the unconditional aspects of the atonement of Jesus Christ in overcoming both the spiritual and physical deaths that resulted from the Fall, then one will experience a temporary hell until he can repent acknowledge the saving power and mercy of Christ.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
