“The Eleventh Through the Fourteenth Year of Ether”

Monte S. Nyman

Some of these things may have happened in the tenth year of Ether’s account, but the startling thing is that the Nephites followed the same pattern in much of the same geographical area. Coriantumr’s repentance (v. 3) came too late. Shiz still wanted to prove that Ether, the Lord’s prophet, was wrong (v. 5). The waters of Ripliancum may have been the “land of many waters, rivers, and fountains” round about the Hill Cumorah (Mormon 6:4). The Hill Ramah “was the same hill where my father Mormon did hide up the records unto the Lord” (Ether 15:6, cp. Mormon 6:6). Mormon called it the Hill Cumorah. The space of four years gathering together the people (Ether 15:14) was similar to the gathering of the Nephites between 380–384 A.D. (see Mormon 5:6; 6:5). Both armies of the Jaredites were gathering for a final battle (Mormon 6:6; Ether 15:6 ff).

Book of Mormon Commentary: I Mormon Make a Record
