“Every Soul Should Be Destroyed Save It Were Coriantumr”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

As battles raged and secret combinations contended among the people, Ether was commanded to call Coriantumr to repentance and prophesy about him. In these verses, we see inspired utterances not only on the fate of Coriantumr but also on his entire people. If he and they would not repent, the entire Jaredite nation would be destroyed and Coriantumr would survive to witness the fulfillment of these prophecies and to see another people receive the land as an inheritance. Note that despite the Jaredites’ past wickedness and hard-heartedness, Ether’s prophecies of doom and destruction were conditional. Such terrible bloodshed and suffering could be averted if they would but repent and turn to the Lord.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
