“They Did Not Believe Because They Saw Them Not”

Bryan Richards

Like sign seekers of subsequent generations, the Jaredites put the cart before the horse, expecting to receive a witness before they had exhibited faith. But how can it be called faith if it comes after the witness? Faith is powerful, as Moroni is about to explain, only when it is demonstrated before the witness is given.

Bruce R. McConkie

"There is no provision in the law of faith that miracles will create faith. Signs follow; they do not precede. It is true that someone who has seen a sign may thereafter do the things which will enable him to gain faith, but it is not the miracle as such which begets the faith; it is obedience to that law upon which its receipt is predicated." (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 1:632)

Spencer W. Kimball

"In faith we plant the seed, and soon we see the miracle of the blossoming. Men have often misunderstood and have reversed the process. They would have the harvest before the planting, the reward before the service, the miracle before the faith. Even the most demanding labor unions would hardly ask the wages before the labor. But many of us would have the vigor without the observance of the health laws, prosperity through the opened windows of heaven without the payment of our tithes. We would have the close communion with our Father without fasting and praying; we would have rain in due season and peace in the land without observing the Sabbath and keeping the other commandments of the Lord. We would pluck the rose before planting the roots; we would harvest the grain before its planting and cultivating." (Conference Report, Oct. 1952, p. 47)

