“Ether, a Prophet of the Lord”

Monte S. Nyman

Coriantumr, the king over all the land (v. 1), was apparently the mighty descendant of the brother of Jared who overthrew the kingdom of Moron (vv. 17–18 above). More will be said of him in chapter 9 of this work.

That Ether “could not be restrained” is a parallel to Nephi, son of Nephi, son of Helaman, just before the time of Christ’s visiting America. The people could not disbelieve his words “because he had greater power than they” (3 Nephi 7:18; see vv. 15–20). Both Ether and Nephi had great faith to accomplish their missions (Ether 12:3).

Ether teaches the same concept as Moroni’s father, Mormon, on hope, faith and charity (v. 4). The entire sermon given by Mormon is included in the record (see Moroni 7). Since the sermon is analyzed in chapter 11 of this work, we will not comment on it here. The great and marvelous prophesies of Ether (v. 5) will also be commented on in the following chapter of this work.

Book of Mormon Commentary: I Mormon Make a Record
