“Gold and Silver, and Iron, and Brass, and All Manner of Metals”

Brant Gardner

As noted above, the reference to iron is archaeologically attested. The rest of these metals are not so attested. Once again, however, they occur in the context of riches, and may be an interpretation that Joseph placed on what must have been valuable natural resources. Olmec data tell us that both jade and obsidian were very important in the trade networks. While there is no reason to suppose that one might mistake either jade or obsidian for a metal, it is yet possible that the conceptual translation link is value, not substance.

“Gold and Silver, and Iron, and Brass, and All Manner of Metals”

As noted above, the reference to iron is archaeologically attested. The rest of these metals are not so attested. Once again, however, they occur in the context of riches, and may be an interpretation that Joseph placed on what must have been valuable natural resources. Olmec data tell us that both jade and obsidian were very important in the trade networks. While there is no reason to suppose that one might mistake either jade or obsidian for a metal, it is yet possible that the conceptual translation link is value, not substance.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
