Rend the Veil of Unbelief

K. Douglas Bassett

blockquote>“The Book of Mormon is predicated on the willingness of men and women to ‘rend the veil of unbelief’ in order to behold the revelvations—and the Revelation—of God (Ether 4:15). It would seem that the humbling experience of the brother of Jared in his failure to pray and his consternation over the sixteen stones were included in this account to show just how mortal and just how normal he was … at least in some ways so much like ourselves. His belief in himself and his view of himself may have been limited—much like our view of ourselves. But his belief in God was unprecedented. It was without doubt or limit… . Ordinary individuals with ordinary challenges could rend the veil of unbelief and enter the realms of eternity. And Christ … would be standing at the edge of that veil to usher the believer through.”(Jeffrey R. Holland, Nuturing Faith Through the Book of Mormon; The 24th Annual Sperry Symposium, pp. 23-24)

Latter-Day Commentary on the Book of Mormon
