“Never Have I Shown Myself Unto Man”

Monte S. Nyman

An understanding of these four verses must begin with what happened to the brother of Jared as recorded in the first two verses (vv. 13–14). Although the brother of Jared was a good and faithful man, having been the recipient of the revelations that had brought the group to the great sea (see Ether 2:4–6), he had not yet been born again, or redeemed from the fall of man (Ether 3:13). He had never become a son of Christ through spiritual adoption (v. 14). As taught by King Benjamin to his subjects:

7 And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters. [Mosiah 5:7]

Some may assume that the brother of Jared had his calling and election made sure on this occasion, but the text does not give support for his having received this ordinance at that time. With an understanding of his having been born again, the next verse is made consistent with other scriptures.

There are many accounts of Jesus Christ appearing to mortal beings on this earth prior to the time of the Jaredites. In the Old Testament we read that “Enoch walked with God after he begot Methuselah three hundred years” (Genesis 5:22; see also v. 24). We also read: “Noah was a just man and perfect in his generation, and Noah walked with God” (Genesis 6:9). Both of these men lived before the flood and therefore before the time of the Jaredites. Some may argue that this God was not Jesus Christ, or that walking with him was not literal. To answer these questions we turn to the Pearl of Great Price.

After the fall of Adam and his being driven out of the garden of Eden, he had an experience similar to the brother of Jared.

9 And in that day the Holy Ghost fell upon Adam, which beareth record of the Father and the Son, saying: I am the Only Begotten of the Father from the beginning, henceforth and forever, that as thou hast fallen thou mayest be redeemed, and all mankind, even as many as will. [Moses 5:9]

Adam was later baptized by water and by fire and the Holy Ghost. He was then told: “thou art one in me [Jesus Christ], a son of God; and thus may all become my sons” (Moses 6:68; see also Moses 6:62–67). Enoch “saw the Lord; and he stood before my face, and he talked with me, even as a man talketh one with another, face to face” (Moses 7:4). Enoch was then told of the mission of Jesus Christ in a language similar to the language of King Benjamin cited above.

53 And our father Adam spake unto the Lord, and said: Why is it that men must repent and be baptized in water? And the Lord said unto Adam: Behold I have forgiven thee thy transgression in the Garden of Eden.
54 Hence came the saying abroad among the people, that the Son of God hath atoned for original guilt, wherein the sins of the parents cannot be answered upon the heads of the children, for they are whole from the foundation of the world. [Moses 6:53–54]

A careful study of Moses chapter 5–7 will show how much Adam and Enoch knew about Jesus Christ, and how he not only spoke to them but appeared to both of them.

“Noah and his sons hearkened unto the Lord, and gave heed, and they were called the sons of God” (Moses 8:13). They obviously had been born again, and walked with God. “Noah was a just man, and perfect in his generation” (Moses 8:27). Thus several men had been born of God and become the sons of Christ before the brother of Jared had his redeeming experience

With the above background, the following interpretation is offered. “And never have I showed myself unto [natural] man whom I have created, for never has [natural] man believed in [Christ] as thou hast” (Ether 3:15), only have I appeared unto those who have met the requirement to be redeemed and thus become my sons or daughters. While some have offered other explanations, such as the only time he had appeared as Jesus Christ; the only time he had shown his whole body; or the only time he had to show himself because of the faith of the individual, the above explanation is the only scripturally-based one. It is also in accordance with some troubling biblical passages. In John we read: “no man has seen God at any time” (1:18). This scripture is often used in response to Joseph Smith’s first vision. Later John states: “Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father” (6:46). It seems obvious that “he which is of God” is someone who has been born of God, as was the brother of Jared. Again the Bible is made plain through the Book of Mormon.

The brother of Jared saw the finger of flesh and blood in a vision of his future appearance upon the earth (v. 9 above). After this, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared as a spirit since he had not yet obtained a physical body. From this appearance we learn that the physical body is in the image of the spirit body. Therefore, when spirit beings appear, they look like people, but there is a difference. The Prophet Joseph Smith has explained: “Spirits can only be revealed in flaming fire and glory. Angels have advanced further, their light and glory being tabernacled; and hence they appear in bodily shape (TPJS, 325). Moses was able to discern Satan because he had no glory (see Moses 1:9–15). The Prophet Joseph was given the keys to discern their difference.

1 There are two kinds of beings in heaven, namely: Angels, who are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones—
2 For instance, Jesus said: Handle me and see, for a spirit hath notflesh and bones, as ye see me have.
3 Secondly: the spirits of just men made perfect, they who are not resurrected, but inherit the same glory.
4 When a messenger comes saying he has a message from God, offer him your hand and request him to shake hands with you.
5 If he be an angel he will do so, and you will feel his hand.
6 If he be the spirit of a just man made perfect he will come in his glory; for that is the only way he can appear—
7 Ask him to shake hands with you, but he will not move, because it is contrary to the order of heaven for a just man to deceive; but he will still deliver his message.
8 If it be the devil as an angel of light, when you ask him to shake hands he will offer you his hand, and you will not feel anything; you may therefore detect him.
9 These are three grand keys whereby you may know whether any administration is from God. [D&C 129:1–9]

All men being created after the image of Jesus Christ (Ether 3:15) is a general statement referring to the form of all men. “God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Genesis 1:26; italics added). The plural pronouns have reference to the council of the Gods (see Abraham 4:1, 26). Jesus Christ was among those Gods (Abraham 3:24).

Book of Mormon Commentary: I Mormon Make a Record
