“The Elements Shall Melt with Fervent Heat”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet
See 3 Nephi 26:3; D&C 101:25. The glory of the Lord when he comes to all the world will he such that only those who are of a terrestrial or celestial nature will be able to abide his coming and thereby be capable of remaining on the millennial (terrestrialized) earth. The bodies of those who are telestial or lower will be consumed in the fires of his glory and their spirits sent immediately to hell in the spirit world. There they will remain until the time of the second resurrection at the end of the Millennium. President Joseph Fielding Smith wrote: “Now, when Christ comes, we will get a new heaven and a new earth and all of these corruptible things will be removed. They will be consumed by fire; and somebody said, ’Brother Smith, do you mean to say that it is going to be literal fire?’ I said, ’Oh, no, it will not be literal fire any more than it was literal water that covered the earth in the flood.”’ (The Signs of the Times, p. 41.)

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
