4 Nephi 1:16–17 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
and there were no envyings nor strifes nor tumults nor whoredoms nor lyings nor murders [nor no >js nor any 1|nor no A|nor any BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] manner of lasciviousness … there were no robbers [nor no 1A|nor BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] murderers neither were there Lamanites [nor no 1A|or any BCDEGHK|nor any FIJLMNOPQRST] manner of ites

Here in these two verses, we have some variation in the editing of the multiple negative nor no. In the first case, Joseph Smith edited nor no to nor any. In the second case, nor no was edited to simply nor (in the 1837 edition). The editing for the first two cases has been retained in all subsequent editions. And in the third case, the 1837 edition replaced nor no with or any, while the 1852 edition restored the nor, thus giving nor any. There are examples of both nor any and or any in the original text, as in the following pair of examples involving any thing:

In the second instance, the 1953 RLDS edition changed the or to nor, but in this case either conjunction is possible in English. The critical text will, of course, restore all three original instances of the multiple negative nor no in 4 Nephi 1:16–17.

One question that arises here in 4 Nephi 1:16–17 is whether the second example of nor no could have been edited to nor any instead of simply nor, thus “there were no robbers nor any murderers”. However, there is a difference in usage in the Book of Mormon text; namely, nor any (whether original or edited) is restricted to the last item in a series of negative conjuncts and that item, it turns out, acts as a kind of et cetera (thus covering all remaining possibilities):

The same restriction applies to or any, again whether original or edited:

For a complete discussion of nor no and other negative connectors in the text, see under negation in volume 3.

Summary: Restore the three original instances of nor no in 4 Nephi 1:16–17; the original text has numerous instances of multiple negation.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 6
