“The Thirty and Fourth Year”

Brant Gardner

The Savior appeared in the “ending of the thirty and fourth year” (3 Ne. 10:18) after the sign of Christ’s birth. As 4 Nephi opens, Mormon identifies the ending of the thirty-fourth year and all of the thirty-fifth year. 3 Nephi had ended with Mormon’s commentary on the mission of the twelve disciples, particularly that of the Three Nephites. He continues this theme, repeating that the disciples organized churches and baptized many. Despite this success, the book ends with the people so wicked that the disciples mourn (v. 44). Fourth Nephi is a book of contrasts, beginning with good and ending with evil.

Chronology: The thirty-fourth year corresponds to 31 A.D. (For the calculation of Nephite years, see commentary accompanying 1 Nephi 10:4.)

Text: Mormon treats 4 Nephi as a continuation of 3 Nephi, particularly the mission of the Three Nephites. Unlike 3 Nephi, 4 Nephi has no identifiable quotations and only general descriptions. Mormon is consulting Nephi’s original record but making a drastic synopsis.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 6
