“Wo Unto Him That Spurneth at the Doings of the Lord”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

When the knowledge of their fathers shall come unto the Remnant of the Lamanites who shall be living at that day, and Christ is preached unto its benighted people by the Gentiles, who themselves believe in His Holy Name, "Then ye need not any longer spurn at the doings of the Lord." Spurn, means to reject with disdain, or to treat a thing with contempt. "Wo unto him," Moroni says that he, who by disdainful rejection of the Word of God, or by contemptuous treatment of His works, casts aside these signs as a thing unworthy of any notice, "For the Sword of His Justice is in His right hand," and such a one will reap a harvest of tares, and not a storehouse of plenty. In other words, the Lord will visit him with despair and disappointment. He has seen the signs of His coming, but has rejected the Lord's works, now the Sword of His Justice cuts along that line which he himself has marked out.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 7
