Which of the Savior’s works can we do?

Thomas R. Valletta

“The Savior’s mortal mission we know as the Atonement. The Savior’s mortal ministry includes everything else that He did—His teachings, expressions of love, attention to ordinances, patterns of prayer, perseverance, and more. He lived to be our Exemplar. … ‘This is my gospel,’ He said, ‘ … for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do.’ Thus, faith; repentance; baptism by water, fire, and of the Holy Ghost; the gathering of the elect; and enduring to the end are all part of the gospel. [See D&C 33:6–12; 39:6.] All of us can emulate the Lord’s example, regardless of age, status, or location” (Nelson, “Senior Missionaries and the Gospel,” 81).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
