Jesus Expounds Things “Both Great and Small” Preparing to Ascend Again

John W. Welch

What is significant about expounding things “both great and small”? (3 Nephi 26:1). God is in the microscopic details. God is also in the macrospheres of cosmic and spiritual order.

How does seeing “all things even from the beginning until the time [Jesus] should come in his glory” help people to live righteously and happily? (3 Nephi 26:3). It is faith-promoting to know that God knows the end from the beginning. He has a plan. He rules and reigns with justice, mercy and equity, for time and for all eternity.

Why does Mormon not write any more about what Jesus taught to the Nephites? (3 Nephi 26:9). Are we patient enough in receiving small things before hoping to have greater things made manifest to us?

John W. Welch Notes
