“For Thy Maker Thy Husband the Lord of Hosts is His Name”

Bryan Richards

In the language of the scriptures, the Lord of Hosts is the bridegroom and his bride is the House of Israel. In spite one of the rockiest engagements imaginable, the bridegroom never gave up on his unworthy bride. It is a marriage which could have been realized long ago but will only be consummated in the Millenium when the bride will finally be ready. Then will the bridegroom be the husband who will show her everlasting kindness, wiping away all tears from her eyes (See Rev 21:2-4).

Jeffrey R. Holland

"Even though there has been barrenness and sometimes unfaithfulness, yet will the husband (Christ) reclaim and redeem his bride (Israel). The imagery of Jehovah as bridegroom and Israel as bride is among the most commonly used metaphors in scripture, being used by the Lord and his prophets to describe the relationship between Deity and the children of the covenant." (Christ And The New Covenant, p. 290)

