Gathering of Israel

K. Douglas Bassett

1 Ne. 10:14; 19:15-17; 2 Ne. 9:2; 25:16-17; 30:7; 3 Ne. 5:26; 16:4-5; Mormon Doctrine, McConkie, pp. 722-723; Journal of Discourses 18:166; Millenial Messiah, p. 229; Doctrines of Salvation, Smith, 3:9; Conference Report, Oct. 1918, pp. 45-47; Conference Report, Apr. 1927, pp. 36-37; refer in this text to 2 Ne. 6:10-11; 2 Ne. 25:16-17

3 Ne. 20:29 was spoken by the Savior in 34 A.D.; the Book of Mormon was published in 1830; the modern state of Israel was established in 1948.
“Until June 5, 1967, the dominant theme of Jewish theology was the same as it had been for the last 1,897 years—wandering and exile. Since June 5, 1967, the dominant theme has been HOMECOMING.” [June 5 was the date when the war broke out between Israel and the Arab states.] (Rabbi Richard L. Rubenstein, as quoted in the Church News, Mar. 9, 1968)
“This latter-day gathering, Christ testified, would be first spiritual and then temporal. Israel, he said, must return first to their covenants and then to their covenant lands.” (Joseph McConkie, Studies in Scripture, ed. by K. Jackson, 8:184)

Latter-Day Commentary on the Book of Mormon
