“Therefore, Search Them”

Brant Gardner

Jesus begins this sermon by citing Isaiah and counseling his listeners to “search” Isaiah’s words. The context informs them that Isaiah contains important information on the gathering of Israel. However, he continues by quoting virtually all of Isaiah 52. He had alluded to the text on the first day (3 Ne. 16:18–20), assuming that his audience would recognize the source. He now continues his discourse, interweaving commentary and scriptural text.

Reference: “Searching” the scriptures comes from John 5:39: “Search ye the scriptures.… ” In that context, Jesus was speaking to those who searched but did not understand; but of course, it is best to search with true understanding. The best context for that understanding comes from the restoration of the gospel and the continual guidance of the Lord’s prophets. (See commentary accompanying 3 Nephi 15:10.)

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 5
