3 Nephi 20:10-14

Brant Gardner

Turning to the work of the day, Jesus returns to a theme from the previous day, which was the gathering of the house of Israel. This is done both for remembrance and for its importance, but also because there were new people in the congregation who had not directly heard the information on the previous day.

Jesus commends the words of Isaiah to them. While Nephi (son of Nephi) doesn’t include long copied chapters like Nephi did, the reason for remembering Isaiah was similar. Isaiah was the prophet of a scattering, and therefore Jesus desired, and spoke of, the gathering of that which had been scattered.

Verse 13 notes that there are many who were “scattered abroad upon the face of the earth.” Verse 14 places the Nephites as one of them. The fact that they came from Jerusalem and were given this land places them as part of the prophecies.

Book of Mormon Minute
