Jesus Prays in Language That Can’t Be Written or Spoken

John W. Welch

Are you glad that there are things left out of this record? A little later it will even get to the point where the record says that there are things that cannot even be uttered. When we go to the temple, holy things are usually things that we cannot fully communicate to other people, even if we wanted to and were allowed to. Partly, it just that it is impossible to communicate them, but also because they are so sacred that we are under an obligation not to communicate them further.

I am glad that everything is not spilled out here in the open. When it comes to sacred things, there are things that you should only learn through sacred instruction and by personal revelation in an interwoven context that circumscribes and interrelates all truths into a harmonious whole. As we get a glimpse of what is here in 3 Nephi 19, this is what is available to us in the temple, being taught there by sacred experiences, by the Holy Ghost, and through revelation. Then you can truly appreciate the eternal doctrines and everlasting principles of the Father. If these were simply told to us, we would not appreciate them. We must know in an abundance of ways the source from which they spring.

John W. Welch Notes
