“Ye Shall Not Cast Him Out from Among You”

Brant Gardner

An important distinction is made here. There is a covenant community and a secular community. The meetings of the people of the covenant community are to be open to the entire community. No one is to be excluded. However, the covenant community itself has rules that describe the nature of the common covenants of the believers. Inside this covenant relationship, there is inclusion and exclusion. It is not a world inclusion or exclusion such as might be based on nationality, heritage, social standing, or race, but rather an inclusion/exclusion based upon righteousness. Even that is a self-selecting determination, as the individual decides whether or not to follow the commandments. Any who covenants to, and does, keep Jesus’ commandments has access to the fellowship of the official covenant community. Those who disobey elect to separate themselves spiritually from the covenant. This does not happen through social ostracizing, but rather through the sadly voluntary withdrawal for that person from the principles of righteousness.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
