“Ye Shall Forbid Him”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

Compare 1 Corinthians 11:23-30. It is important to note that, in these verses Jesus is speaking to the Apostles (see verse 26), those who have been commissioned and authorized to administer the sacrament. He is not speaking to the multitude. Forbidding someone from partaking of the sacrament on the grounds of personal unworthiness is the responsibility of the “judge in Israel” who holds the keys of the priesthood which direct priesthood ordinances. It is not the prerogative of members of the congregation to forbid anyone from partaking of the sacrament. If they are aware of unworthiness, they may discuss it with the bishop or other appropriate priesthood leader, but it remains the right of the priesthood leader, through the spirit of discernment, to allow or disallow someone the blessing of the sacrament.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
