3 Nephi 17:23-25

Brant Gardner

After the blessing, the congregation is asked to see their little ones. Not only to see them as their children, but to see with spiritual eyes. They see the children blessed through the ministering of angels, surrounded with the power of Heaven as though encircled by fire. Being surrounded by apparent fire was a visual witness to spiritual power, and it was previously manifested when the brothers Nephi and Lehi found themselves in a Lamanite prison. This current event is a much more glorious experience, but it places the children in the company of righteous prophets.

With such a transcendent experience, how could any of those children not remain faithful all their days? No wonder there was peace in their land, and they lived faithfully according to Jesus’s commandments.

This is not the end of a chapter in the 1830 edition.

Book of Mormon Minute
