3 Nephi 17:13-15

Brant Gardner

Jesus has the entire congregation kneel. The children are closest, but the adults are not far off. Everyone is kneeling. While standing, Jesus begins to pray. About what? He is “troubled because of the wickedness of the people of the house of Israel.” Why begin this way in such a joyous occasion when he has appeared to the faithful of the house of Israel in Bountiful?

We do not know the rest of the prayer, for “the things which he prayed cannot be written.” However, we can guess from the presence of the children and the beginning sadness for the wicked of the house of Israel, that the Savior was praying for the future. Although it appears to begin in sadness, it certainly would not have ended that way. The presence of the children placed them in a position to represent the future, and his blessings and prayers for them would not be forgotten. They were the next generation which would more fully enjoy the peace and prosperity that would follow Christ’s visit.

Book of Mormon Minute
