Who are all of these “other tribes” that are separated from the house of Israel?

Thomas R. Valletta

Jesus first spoke of “other sheep” when He was in Jerusalem (see John 10:16) and confirmed who they were when He was in America. “The ‘other sheep’ referred to in these verses and the first verses of chapter 16 are the Nephites, who were Israelites guided by the hand of God to the Western Hemisphere, as well as other groups of Israelites among the ‘lost tribes’ of Israel. The revelations—ancient and modern—do not give us much information regarding the whereabouts of these ‘other sheep,’ nor details about exactly who they are. We patiently await additional instructions on the subject. No doubt God has had various groups of righteous ‘sheep’ on this planet and on many other worlds” (Ogden and Skinner, Book of Mormon, 2:181–82).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
