“No Man Can Serve Two Masters”

D. Kelly Ogden, Andrew C. Skinner

Mammon is an Aramaic term referring to worldly riches or wealth. It is true that we cannot have one foot in the kingdom and one foot still in the world. It is not possible to walk that way. No man can serve two masters. Service to God and the pursuit of worldly wealth are mutually exclusive enterprises for those called to the holy apostleship or any other full-time Church service. La’avod in Hebrew means “to serve”; it also means to work and to worship. It is certainly not possible to serve or worship two opposite lords at the same time. We must choose, just as the original Twelve and Seventy had to choose. We either prove ourselves a true child of God or we become a child of the devil (Alma 5:41). We must hold to the one, the Holy One, only.

Verse by Verse: The Book of Mormon: Vol. 2
