“This is Not My Doctrine, to Stir Up the Hearts of Men with Anger”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet
There is no place in the Savior’s gospel- whether it be in the Church, our homes, our neighborhoods, or the workplace- for contention and anger. We can defend the faith, declare the truth, and live the gospel without contention. Disputations and angel even in the noblest of causes, is displeasing to the Lord, cuts us off from the Spirit of the Lord, and undermines the very purposes we are seeking to fulfill (see Alma 1:19-24). As we strive to more fully live the Savior’s teachings we will discover in our lives more peace and less contention- more peacemaking, mutual respect and understanding, and less disputation and conflict. The peace that will eventually cover the earth must first start within individual lives.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
