“A State of Awful Wickedness”

Church Educational System
As the Nephites began to “wilfully rebel against God” (3 Nephi 6:18), prophets of the Lord were sent to testify boldly of Christ and the redemption and against the sins and iniquities of the people (see v. 20). How did the wicked react to this preaching? (see vv. 21, 23). When complaints were registered with the governor, the chief judge in Zarahemla, how did these evil men circumvent the law? (see vv. 27–30). Regarding this, Elder Robert L. Simpson said:

“Times have not changed. Less than two months ago, most of you read the disturbing article in our newspapers about a group of individuals who have established a so-called Satanic church, with the sole purpose to participate only in the realms of evil and darkness. They are in open defiance of and diametrically opposed to all of His holy purposes that bring us together in this great conference. Without a goodly number of God-fearing men committed to the cause of truth, these societies of evil could well take over our society.

“The only effective tool against evil and darkness is truth and light, particularly truth and light held in the hands of those bearing God’s Holy Priesthood: worthy, dedicated men such as I see before me here today.

“No man or boy who has accepted the commitment of priesthood can stand idly by, for if we do not abide in this covenant with the Lord, if we are less than anxiously engaged in doing something about it, he says: ‘… ye are not worthy of me.’ (D&C 98:15.)”

(in Conference Report, Apr. 1967, p. 69).

Book of Mormon Student Manual (1996 Edition)
