“Disciple of Jesus Christ”

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

Mormon rejoices in his commission to preserve the word of God and convey it to future generations. He reminds us that he is named after the land of Mormon, where Alma the Elder established the Church (see Mosiah 18). Thus “Mormon,” as a name suggests to us (as it must have to Mormon), is the divine process of rejuvenation and rebirth through the covenant of baptism by water and fire, and taking upon ourselves the name of Christ. “Mormon,” therefore is a code word for the mighty change that the Book of Mormon itself has brought about and is bringing about in the lives of millions of honest seekers after truth as they come into the fold. As baptized members and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are His disciples. We seek to be obedient to the commandments, to stand as witnesses of the Lord at all times and in all places (see Mosiah 18:8–9), and to share the gospel with all mankind (see Mormon 9:22) that they may partake of everlasting life. We truly become His disciples as we love and serve our fellowman (see John 13:34–35) and desire always to do the will of God.

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
