“Thus Did Satan Get Possession of the Hearts of the People”

Bryan Richards

Hugh Nibley

"If Satan claims you as his, there is indeed a horrible oneness; for he, too, can embrace you to get power over you: ’[Do] not choose eternal death, according to the will of the flesh and the evil which is therein, which giveth the spirit of the devil power to captivate, to bring you down to hell, that he may reign over you in his own kingdom.’ (2 Ne. 2:29; cf. 2 Ne. 28:19; Alma 8:9.) He would hold you in his strong embrace, having a great hold over you. (See Alma 10:25; Alma 12:17; Alma 27:12; Hel. 16:23.)
“Joseph Smith felt that power, and it was not an imaginary power at all. It was a very real power many have felt since. (See JS—H 1:15-16.) He does indeed ‘get possession’ of you (3 Ne. 2:2), ‘for Satan desireth to have you’ (3 Ne. 18:18), just as the Lord does. While on the one hand, God ‘inviteth and enticeth to do good’ and to be one with him, so on the other hand Satan ’inviteth and enticeth to sin.’ (Moro. 7:12-13.)” (Ensign, Sept. 1990, 22)

