“And There Was Also a Cause of Much Sorrow Among the Lamanites”

Brant Gardner

The last time Mormon mentioned the Lamanites it was for their righteousness. However, just as with the Nephites, the righteousness of the Lamanites did not cover all of the Lamanites. There were divisions among them as well. Mormon now turns to the Lamanites to emphasize the divisions among them. Just as the Nephites have dissenters who are becoming Gadiantons, so too do the Lamanites have dissenters who become Gadiantons. Mormon is setting up the Gadiantons as the epitome of apostasy, both from the Nephites and the righteous Lamanites. Mormon also links the Zoramites to the Gadiantons. This suggests that Mormon sees the Gadiantons as following a religious order that is at least favorable to the Zoramite heresy.

Textual: There is no chapter break at this point in the 1830 edition.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
