“Ye Are Permitted to Act for Yourselves”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

For agency to exist, laws and opposites must exist, and a knowledge of the laws and a power of choice must be enjoyed by the agent, as with Samuel’s hearers. All such people are free to choose who or what they will worship as their God.

“Ye Are Permitted to Act for Yourselves”

This phrase is an expression of the doctrine of agency, though the word itself is not used in the Book of Mormon. No doubt the concept of agency, which is the ability and freedom to choose good or evil, is among the plain and precious things taken from the scriptural records that constitute our modern Bible. Agency is the gift of God freely granted to all people. Were there no agency, no power resting within man to choose, there could be no good nor evil, and justice and mercy would be unknown even to God.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
