Helaman 13:27 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
yea he will say walk after the pride of your own hearts yea walk after the pride of your eyes and do whatsoever your [heart 1ABCDEFGHIJKLNOPRST|hearts MQ] desireth

In this passage, the plural hearts occurs first (“walk after the pride of your own hearts”), but then in the following text there is a singular heart (“and do whatsoever your heart desireth”). The original manuscript apparently had the singular heart since both the printer’s manuscript and the 1830 edition do. But this singular heart in 𝓞 could still be an error for hearts. In the original text, the historical third-person singular ending -(e)th could occur with plural subjects, so “whatsoever your hearts desireth” is quite possible. Here in Helaman 13:27, the 1905 LDS edition emended the singular heart to hearts, most likely in an attempt to make the noun agree with the preceding plural hearts in “walk after the pride of your own hearts”. Nevertheless, the singular -(e)th ending was left at the end of desireth. The 1911 LDS edition also followed this plural reading, but the 1920 LDS edition restored the singular heart, the reading of all the earliest textual sources.

In the original text for Helaman 13:22, the usage is similar. There a singular heart is referred to by means of a plural pronoun. In fact, the previous verse has an instance of plural hearts, so we end up with a second example in the earliest text where both heart and hearts are found in the same passage without any change in the number of the subject:

Summary: Allow in Helaman 13:27 the occurrence of both singular heart and plural hearts within the same narrative sequence.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 5
