“Do Whatsoever Your Heart Desireth”

Bryan Richards

Spencer W. Kimball

"Certainly, some blame (for the recent changes in morals) can be attached to the voices from lecture platforms, editorial rooms, or broadcasting stands, and even from the pulpit.
"Such voices may have to answer for their perpetuating falsehood and their failure to give true leadership in combating evil.... From among the discordant voices we are shocked at those of many priests who encourage the defilement of men and wink at the eroding trends and who deny the omniscience of God. Certainly these men should be holding firm, yet some yield to popular clamor.
"I give some quotes from the press: 'Many churchmen are reluctant to give a definite yes or no to marijuana.'...
"Other religious leaders are saying: '...precise rules of Christian conduct should not necessarily apply to problems of sexuality.'
"Only this month the press quoted the retired head of a populous church proposing 'revival of old-style betrothals which would permit young unmarried couples to sleep together with the church's blessing,' and 'it would not be regarded in the moral sense as fornication.'" (Conference Report, Apr. 1971)

