“Nephi Calls the Multitude to Repentance”

Monte S. Nyman

These verses illustrate a second characteristic of a prophet. Each prophet calls the people to repentance. The sin for which they must repent will vary, but there is a call to repentance whether spoken of directly or indirectly. In Nephi’s call he was very direct. He spoke of their yielding to the devil (vv. 15–16). He declared of the Lord’s displeasure over their actions (vv. 17–18). He further warned them of what the Lord would do if they did not repent (v. 19). A very important doctrinal point is pronounced here by Nephi. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that “One of the most important points in the faith of the Church of the Latter-day Saints through the fullness of the everlasting gospel, is the gathering of Israel” (TPJS, 92). The Lord told the people of Judah (as well as the Nephites): “How often would I have gathered thy children together” (Matthew 23:37; see 3 Nephi 10:4–7). If they were to be gathered often, they must have been intermittently scattered. Nephi here gives the reason why Israel was scattered, they did not repent (Helaman 7:19). He warned again of their destruction and being taken away (scattered) if they do not repent (v. 23). In Nephi’s day one of the sins was priestcraft. They sought the gain and praise of men (v. 21). Nephi, son of Lehi, had earlier defined priestcraft in those terms (see 2 Nephi 26:29).

John the Baptist is known for his call to repentance as he prepared the way for the kingdom and the Messiah (see Matthew 3:1–3; Mark 1:2–4; Luke 3:2–6). Again, the Old Testament gives the same message by the prophets (see Amos 9:8–9; Jonah 1:1–2). The Prophet Joseph Smith warned: “Hear it, all ye ends of the earth—all ye priests, all ye sinners, and all men. Repent! repent! Obey the Gospel. Turn to God; for your religion won’t save you, and you will be damned.” (TPJS, 361).

Nephi, son of Helaman, taught the Nephites that God was no respecter of persons. He then warned them that it would be better for the Lamanites than for them except they repent (Helaman 7:23). He then expounded upon that warning.

Book of Mormon Commentary: The Record of Helaman
