“Nephi and Lehi Did Preach with Great Power and Authority”

D. Kelly Ogden, Andrew C. Skinner

Nephi and Lehi did remember the words their father taught them and went forth to teach the word of God, armed with “great power and authority.” It is important to remember that priesthood authority comes from ordination, but priesthood power comes from righteousness. Like prophets and apostles before and after them, Nephi and Lehi were able to confound many and to witness the workings of God despite the prevalent wickedness.

Also like others before and after them, Nephi and Lehi were cast into prison; remember Abinadi (Mosiah 17:5); Alma and Amulek (Alma 14:17–18); the apostle Peter (Acts 12:5); and Joseph Smith (D&C 122:6). During the “many days without food” they had plenty of time to think about Abinadi’s fate, who—for all his righteousness—did not escape the cruelest of deaths.

Nephi and Lehi Encircled by a Pillar of Fire, by Ronald Crosby.

© Ronald Crosby. Used by permission.

Verse by Verse: The Book of Mormon: Vol. 2
