“There is No Other Way nor Means Whereby Man Can Be Saved”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet
There is a name that is above every name that is named, whether on earth or in heaven, save only the name of the almighty Elohim. There is a name that brings joy to the desolate heart, a name that speaks peace to the sorrowing soul. There is a name that falls in hushed and hallowed tones from the lips of Saints and angels, a name that leads true believers on both sides of the veil to glory and honor everlasting. It is the name of the one sent of God to bring salvation, the name of the one who paid an infinite price to ransom us from Satan’s grasp. It is the blessed name of Jesus Christ. (Robert L. Millet and Joseph Fielding McConkie, In His Holy Name, p. 16.) See Mosiah 3:18; Mosiah 5:12; see also commentary on Alma 5:38-42.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
