Who was Cezoram?

Thomas R. Valletta

Cezoram was the eighth in the line of Nephite chief judges. In the sixty-second year of the reign of the judges, or about 30 B.C., Cezoram acceded to office when Nephi, son of Helaman, relinquished the judgment seat and devoted himself full time to “preach the word” (Helaman 5:4). Four years later, in 26 B.C., the Gadianton robbers murdered Cezoram. His son replaced him but in the same year was murdered also (Helaman 6:15). After that, the government fell into the hands of the Gadiantons (Helaman 6:38–39) until Nephi returned to call the Nephite people to repentance (Helaman 7–9).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
