“But He Did March Forth with a Large Army”

Alan C. Miner

According to the stratagem of Coriantumr, he "did march forth with a large army, even towards the city of Bountiful; for it was his determination to go forth and cut his way through with the sword, that he might obtain the north parts of the land" (Helaman 1:23). Presumably, if he could take the city of Bountiful, the "north parts" of the general land of the Nephites would be his. (The reader should notice here that the city Bountiful lies in the "north parts of the land.") If the key to Coriantumr's plan was to obtain the city of Bountiful and thus the "north parts of the land," then this correlates very well with what had happened previously. In Alma 50:29, Morianton and his people fled towards "the land which was northward." In that situation, the people of Bountiful and captain Moroni became worried that such an action "would lay a foundation for serious consequences among the people of Nephi yea, which consequences would lead to the overthrow of their liberty" (Alma 50:32). Soon after this, Amalickiah and the Lamanites invaded the east wilderness, with the objective "that he might take possession of the land Bountiful and also the land northward" (Alma 51:30). In response to this invasion, chief captain Moroni sent orders to Teancum that "he should fortify the land Bountiful, and secure the narrow pass which led into the land northward, lest the Lamanites should obtain that point and should have power to harass them on every side" (Alma 52:9). As a result of these military actions, we find in Alma 53:5 that the Nephites fortified the city of Bountiful to such a degree that it "became an exceeding stronghold ever after." If Coriantumr were to claim victory, he would definitely need to take the city of Bountiful. [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes] [See Geographical Theory Maps]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
