
Alan C. Miner

According to Hugh Nibley, "Paanchi" (Helaman 1:3) is the one indisputable Egyptian name in the Book of Mormon. Nobody can ever dispute that, either that Joseph Smith could have invented it or that it could not be pure, 100% Egyptian, because Paanchi [Pianckhi] was a very important person in Egyptian history, just before Lehi's day. It means "Amon is my life." And Pacumeni and Pahoran mean the person is a Syrian. That's what an Egyptian would call a person from northern Palestine. These are familiar Egyptian names. These are not all of Pahoran's sons; he had other sons. But they did form three divisions among the people.

Incidently, there's quite a story about Paanchi [in Egypt]. His son was Herihor. His father was Korihor. There's another Book of Mormon name. Paanchi founded a dynasty. His father was a high priest. He wasn't brave enough to take the Pharaoh's title to himself, but he gave the Pharaoh's title to his son, Paanchi. He became the first Pharaoh of that dynasty. [Hugh W. Nibley, Teachings of the Book of Mormon, Semester 3, pp. 197-198]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
