“Hagoth, He Being an Exceedingly Curious Man”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

To another group of Saints in the South Seas President Kimball observed:

“President Joseph F. Smith, the president of the Church, reported, ’You brothers and sisters from New Zealand, I want you to know that you are from the people of Hagoth.’ For New Zealand Saints, that was that. A prophet of the Lord had spoken.... It is reasonable to conclude that Hagoth and his associates were about nineteen centuries on the islands, from about 55 b.c. to 1854 before the gospel began to reach them. They had lost all the plain and precious things which the Savior brought to the earth, for they were likely on the islands when the Christ was born in Jerusalem.” (Temple View Area Conference Report, February 1976, p. 3.)

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
