“Moroni Yielded Up the Command of His Armies that He Might Spend the Remainder of His Days in Peace”

Bryan Richards

Moroni was probably only about 42 years old when he retired. His military career had been a long and arduous one, and it took its toll. Hugh Nibley said of Moroni, “He’s an overachiever, he’s a military genius, and he only lives a very short life. He just wears himself out, I think. He’s that sort of person.” (Hugh Nibley, Teachings of the Book of Mormon--Semester 1, p. 190)

While he could have expected any political office or social standing, he preferred to drift off into a peaceful oblivion. As Douglas MacArthur once said, “Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.” Moroni’s faithful fading away was the final proof that he had no personal political agenda—that he did not seek for power, honor, or glory, except for the glory of his God (Alma 60:36).

Joe J. Christensen

"This Moroni is a heroic ideal and model for our times. He is one whose life and characteristics should be understood by the older and taught to the younger so that they will never be able to say honestly that they do not have a hero worthy of emulation. He is one who taught us powerfully of those values-those priceless blessings-worth fighting and even dying for.
"Captain Moroni was a believer in Christ and defended His cause. He followed the example of the Savior‘s development and ’increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favour with God and man’ (Luke 2:52Luke 2:52). Of him it has been recorded: ’Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men’ (Alma 48:17Alma 48:17).
"Our young people today need heroes who go beyond the popular musicians, comedians, great athletes, the rich, and the famous. They, and all of us, need to know of people like Captain Moroni, whose influence will live long after the applause of those who are currently popular has faded away.
“May we all emulate his example.” (Heroes from the Book of Mormon, p.133-4)

