“Peace Established Among the People of Nephi”

Monte S. Nyman

All but Moroni returned to their former positions among the Nephites. Moroni’s retirement (v. 43) indicates he was older, although he may have retired because he was suffering from war injuries. His being replaced by his son Moronihah also indicates he was older. The Lamanite war lasted fourteen years. If Moroni was only twenty-five years old when the war began (see Alma 43:17 and commentary), it does not seem possible that his son would have been old enough to have succeeded his father as the commander of all the Nephite armies (Alma 62:43). Again we conclude that Moroni’s appointment to head the army at age twenty-five had occurred some years before the fourteen-year war with the Lamanites began.

A regulation “made again in the church” (v. 44) seems to refer to bringing a uniformity of beliefs and practices. Perhaps the stress of the war had led to a modification of principles and ordinances or even a neglect of them. Helaman first preached to the people to align them with correct principles, and then baptized them to bring them to a covenant with God (v. 45). Helaman had done the same thing in the nineteenth year of the judges after the first year of the Lamanite war (see Alma 45:20–21). Thus the church was established again throughout the land in both cases (v. 46; 45:22). A similar action was taken in the political arena of the Nephites (Alma 62:47).

Book of Mormon Commentary: The Record of Alma
