“Because of the Prayers of the Righteous”

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

It is instructive that the prayers of the righteous become the governing factor in the divine intervention on behalf of the people. There can be much wickedness within a society, but where the prayers of the righteous continue unabated, the Lord blesses the people. The wicked pay their debt before the bar of divine justice, while the righteous, for all of their suffering and abuse, receive the eternal blessings of heaven. We can respond to tribulation in various ways. Our attitude of righteousness determines our response. We have the power to choose. Our choices determine our destiny. The wars have caused the people to choose whether to be hard-hearted or softened and humble. It is the same environment of war for all participants—but the responses vary. Blessings or judgments are poured out according to the response. Nephi praises the Lord even when he is continually being harassed by his brothers (see 1 Nephi 18:16). Ammon continually praises the Lord after their afflictions and great success among the Lamanites (see Alma 26:12–16). Following the great calamities in the wake of the Savior’s crucifixion and resurrection, the people praise the Lord (see 3 Nephi 10:10). Many people forget the Lord after being blessed in all things due to the ease of the way (see Helaman 12:2–3). Some people in their riches turn to pride (see Alma 4:9; Helaman 4:12), while others in their riches remember the Lord (see Alma 62:49–50). We determine our state of righteousness through our attitude towards each situation. Attitude sets the stage; choice makes the difference.

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
