“The Borders of the Land of Moroni”

Alan C. Miner

Whatever the size of the land of Moroni, the Nephites apparently were able to surround the land (not just the city) on two sides (on the north and on the west) “insomuch that the Lamanites were encircled about in the borders by the wilderness on the south, and in the borders by the wilderness on the east.” The reader should note that there was “wilderness” both on the east and on the south sides of the land. The “wilderness on the east” (Alma 62:34) was not likely to have been extensive, since in 3 Nephi 9:4 it says that the city of Moroni was “sunk in the depths of the sea.” This might imply that the city of Moroni was very close to the shore. Or maybe it lay on an inlet of the sea, with a strip of wilderness to it’s east. [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes]

Geographical [Theory Map]: Alma 62:14-26 Moroni & Pahoran Retake the City of Nephihah (31st Year)

Geographical [Theory Map]: Alma 62:30 Moroni Attacks the City of Lehi (31st Year)

Geographical [Theory Map]: Alma 62:31-34 The Lamanites Flee to the Land of Moroni (31st Year)

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
